This workshop is an opportunity to identify one or more of your Core Erotic Themes. They provide a reference point from where we will begin to work with them so you can understand and experience your sexuality more deeply and have more actual choice around what drives it. The weekend's central focus of the „Core Erotic Theme" will be supplemented with various activities that build group safety, connection and trust. This includes embodiment, partnering and group exercises, in which nudity is an option. The Core Erotic Theme work consists of theory, inquiry, individualized intimacy rituals and sharing.
The weekend is primarily a process for yourself and your discoveries. Your insights can be handled in such a way that you can disclose as little or as much as you are comfortable with.

The Core Erotic Theme
Uncover the scripts behind sex life
The Core Erotic Theme is a concept developed by sexologist Jack Morin. According to his findings, core erotic themes influence our sexual/intimate life. They are intelligent, subconscious responses to the emotional climate we encountered in our formative years. Once the response is repeated over and over in conjunction with arousal, it can become difficult to see, feel and explore beyond its scope.